Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why Jesus? (Being Part of the Big Picture)

I know I just asked the above question a few blogs ago, but there are many answers to this question, so plenty of blog-fodder. 

I was thinking about my cousin, Mary Ann, presently on a short-term journey to the Central African Republic to conduct a Bible school (for adults) and to encourage the Christian community in the region of Zemio.  The Christians there can use all the support they can get as they have had to deal with the terror campaign of Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army. 

Mary Ann  and her husband, Les, served in Africa as missionaries for over 40 years and in retirement they keep going back for short-term projects and programs like the present one.  The question you may ask is, “Why would anyone do this?”  After all, when retirement comes don’t we all want to put  our work behind us, especially if it puts us in a place that could be a threat to life and limb?

Now, I admit that one of the motivations for travel is the fact that Les and Mary Ann have children still serving in that region, but that is not the only reason they return again and again. They return because they love the people there – after forty years one can’t help but establish a bond.  But they also return because God has called them to something beyond themselves, and they feel both compelled as well as exhilarated by that calling.

Which returns me to the question, “Why Jesus?”   Mary Ann and Les might articulate this differently,  but I think they would agree with me – Jesus calls us out of an unsatisfying life of self-absorption into a life that plays itself out on the grand stage of history.  Jesus proclaimed that the kingdom of God was  breaking in upon the world.  The apostle Paul picked up on the theme by declaring that through Jesus God was doing nothing less than restoring the fullness of creation.

So, maybe all you want out of life is a decent job, a happy relationship with your significant other, or time off for good behavior.  Maybe all you care about is beating your best score in World of Warcraft.  Maybe your biggest dream is to make the cheerleading squad.  Or maybe all you want to do is retire so you can play golf.  Go for it.  Sounds stimulating.

But if you want to be part of something bigger than yourself, if you want to be part of a movement that is changing history, indeed, transforming  creation itself, then that’s “Why Jesus?”  If you haven’t heard this grand vision in the words and life of Jesus, then I suggest you haven’t really been listening.

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